Greetings from Singapore! It's your friendly host from the Little Red Dot (aka Singapore)! Welcome to the second edition of my newsletter. You are receiving my newsletter as you have either been on a tour with me (earlier this century) or we are connected via LinkedIn. If this intrusion is not to your liking, fair enough, it is easy for you to unsubscribe. Simply use the unsubscribe button in the footer of this email. Singaporeans are well adjusted to the multiracial character of our city-state. Schoolchildren are taught about the main ethnicities living in Singapore, i.e. Chinese, Malay, Indian and 'others' in an effort to promote interracial harmony. However, with almost three out of four Singaporeans being of Chinese descent, the Chinese community makes up the lion's share of Singapore's population. (Lately this overwhelming Chinese majority has sparked a debate about the idea of 'Chinese Entitlement' in a multiracial state. But let's leave controversies out of this newsletter!) |